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Welcome to The Just Bin It Game!  Here you will find the full download and how to reel to help you play our unique game!  This game is suitable for pre-schoolers and families with a view to teaching the entire family how to prevent blockages within the water system.  To access the download there is a short survey which helps us to understand water behaviour in the Northampton & Kettering communities. Once you have played the game we would love to hear your feedback and you will be entered into a competition. You will be in with a chance to win a water book bag! Click the cloud to enter!


The download PDF includes instructions,

game-board, dice, and counters. 

You will also be asked to take a short survey which will give you the opportunity to be entered into our prize draw to win a

Water Book Bag full of incredible

water-themed resources!

Just Bin It Game! page 1. pdf.jpg


check out our how to reel!

Below you will find a video showing you how to make and play the game:


follow our adventures!

If you would like to follow our adventures please do head to our instagram page

And for further learning resources head to Anglian Water's website for 'Just Bin It' information.

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